If you had an EOS account before January 1st, 2019, you automatically have a BOS account and some BOS tokens.
Your BOS account would not have the same name as your EOS account, but it would have the same private keys that your EOS account had on January 1st, 2019.
You can use your EOS/BOS private keys to log into any Wallet that supports BOS and enjoy the advanced features of BOS.
If you want to learn how to check your BOS account name please read the following blog post: https://medium.com/@tojukaka/how-to-check-for-your-bos-account-name-on-bloks-io-4238ec338db5
If you didn’t have an EOS account by January 1st, 2019, it means you don’t have a BOS account but don’t worry. You can create a BOS Account for free by following the instructions in the following blog post: https://medium.com/@tojukaka/how-to-get-a-free-bos-account-88a8724fba98
What Can I Do With my BOS Tokens?
BOS tokens posses incredibly powers! Don’t just leave it dormant, lying fallow in a wallet. Use it!
Your BOS tokens can be used to do the following :
Buy and Sell Stuff:
You can trade with BOS tokens within the BOS community. Yes, you can trade in exchanges but I’m talking about real person to person trade to pay for goods and services. BOS is the ideal currency for everyday transactions because of the following reasons:
- It is free to use: There are no transaction fees in BOS. Payments are entirely free.
- It fast as Flash: BOS transactions are confirmed instantly (in 0.5 seconds) and finality occurs in less than 3 seconds. No other cryptocurrency is as fast as BOS.
It is convenient to use: BOS is convenient to use. The account creation process is instant and seamless and once you have a BOS account, you are welcome to a world of wonderful applications.
- A free port for the world of cryptocurrencies: In the future, BOS would be the preferred cryptocurrency to use for transacting because of the way it seamlessly connects with every blockchain and cryptocurrency. You would be able to transact with most cryptocurrencies through the BOS network.
Build on BOS
BOS Tokens has resources that give token holders access to build on BOS. This is on a pro-rata basis meaning that if you have 1 BOS, you have one unit of RAM, CPU, and Bandwidth and if you have 100 BOS, you have 100 units of access and so on. BOS is the ideal platform for developers and developers are going to prefer to build on BOS because of the following reasons:
- BOS has 3 Sec LIB meaning that transactions become irreversible after 3 Seconds.
- BOS has a low requirement for resources (RAM, CPU, and Bandwidth).
- The cost of starting a dApp on BOSCore is much cheaper than those on EOS or any other blockchain.
- BOS IBC would make BOS attractive to developers who want their applications to be used by multiple blockchains.
Exercise your Voting Rights
One of the special features that your BOS tokens possess is that it gives you voting power. This is also on bass on pro-rata or based on stake. If you have more BOS tokens, your vote will carry more weight and you would be able to exert more influence on the network.
Vote for how the Worker Proposal Funds is Spent
BOSCore has set aside 100 million BOS tokens to be used in developing the BOS ecosystem. You can vote for how the Worker Proposal Funds in BOS is spent. You can vote for your favorite projects that want to build on BOS and you can also use your tokens to submit your own proposals.
Head on to https://boswps.io to see the various proposals on BOS.
Make Passive Income and Capital Gains
You can make passive income from BOS by staking your BOS tokens to BOS REX. BOS REX allows you to lend your tokens to developers. DAPP developers get cheaper resources to build with while you get passive income. Win-win!
Use BOS DApps
According to an article by Blocksiam, YIYOU, has partnered with BOSCore, Huobi Pool, Tokenpocket Wallet, Starteos Wallet and Unico, a gaming distribution platform, aiming to bring more games to the BOS Blockchain and EOS.IO ecosystem.
You can view other BOS dApps on https://dapptotal.com/bos. Many more awesome applications and tools are coming to BOS.
BOS is still in the early stages and it’s a very auspicious project. A free port for the Blockchain world is necessary to foster better relationships and coordination among dApps and blockchains. Everyone should have a BOS account. Everyone should have some BOS Tokens. In the coming months, there is going to be many dApps and services on BOS and the value of the network would keep growing. According to Mr. Huaqiang Wen, initiator of BOSCore and CTO of Huobi Pool, BOS is not only a side chain of EOS, but it will also become a side chain of other public chains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. When this happens, people would desire to build on BOS because it cuts across all cryptocurrency communities and embraces all.
For more information about BOS, click on any of the following links:
Website: https://boscore.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/boscoreafrica; https://t.me/boscorecommunity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/africaboscore; https://twitter.com/BOSCoreCore_BOSCore
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boscore.io