TokenPocket’s TPExchange is as Strong as Binance, Huobi and OKEx Combined!?

Toju Kaka
2 min readJan 15, 2020

TokenPocket has announced their new trading platform, TPExchange, which allows users to trade with the liquidity and prices of some of the top exchanges around (Huobi, Binance and OKEx), using a single account.

One exciting feature of TPExchange is that it offers the lowest trading fee of 0.095%. Another perk of the platform is that users can get a $10 gift for free when they register and a $1 reward for each referral they bring to the exchange.

The real-time update of prices from different exchanges, liquidity and a lot of supported cryptocurrencies are laudable features of the exchange. It also comes as no surprise that the user interface is superbly friendly as TokenPocket has always prioritised customer satisfaction and user experience.

TPExchange is currently available directly within the TokenPocket mobile app.

How to Register for TPExchange

You can register now by going to > You may choose email registration or register via a phone number. When registering, you will be sent a captcha code to verify your email or phone number and be required to set a password. That’s it! Easy peasy!!

You may also register via the TokenPocket mobile wallet. If you do not have the app, download TokenPocket wallet on play store for android or app store for iOS.

Now that you have the app, just log in and click on discover. Next, click on TPExchange and a new page showing TPExchange will appear. You may then click on signup or register.

Combining the liquidity and powers of Binance, OKEx and Huobi is a genius move from TokenPocket. Once again the TokenPocket Team blazes the trail, proving their commitment to a path of innovation and excellence.

Enjoy trading!!

About TokenPocket

TokenPocket is multi-blockchain wallet with a powerful and secure digital asset management and a portal to the world of DApps. It is available on Android,iOS and Desktop and it supports all the major cryptocurrencies.

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Toju Kaka

#Author of Understanding EOS: #Blockchain Consultant #Cryptocurrency Trader. Ex @OKx BD Manager for Nigeria