OKEx is one of the most trusted places to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. To trade on OKEx, you need to sign up, complete KYC(optional), deposit some cryptocurrency and then you are good to go!
Sign up
Register on OKEx with this link and you’ll get $10 in free bitcoin if you buy $100 or more crypto on your first order.
Complete KYC Verification
You should be able to trade and make withdrawals from OKEx without KYC, but completing the KYC gives you extra benefits. The tutorial below from the OKEx academy demonstrates how to complete KYC verification.
Make Cryptocurrency Deposits and Withdrawals
Deposits and withdrawals on OKEx are simple. Read the post below for a complete guide on how to deposit and make withdrawals.
OKEx exchange is for everyone. Whether you are new to crypto and trying out an exchange for the first time or you are a veteran crypto trader, you’ll find a home on OKEx. This is because of the robust features that are present in the exchange and the variety of preferences that traders/users can choose from. The following tutorials demonstrate how to trade on OKEx
How to trade token
How to perform a spot trade
What is Token-Margined Trading?
How to Trade Token-Margined Contracts
OKEx is one of the largest crypto exchanges by trade volume. It thus offers a guarantee of assets liquidity. When you combine a trusted and secure trading platform with a splendid user interface and a pleasurable trading experience, OKEx is what you get.
Enjoy trading…