It requires great faith and patience to be an early adopter. It requires even more foresight. You have to be able to see value in a product before the rest of the world. They will criticize you and mock you but in the end, it would greatly pay off.
The early adopters are the investors, builders, developers, entrepreneurs and the beta testers. This post is focused on early enthusiasts and beta testers. This The early adopters (in blockchain technology) are just like investors in that they try to seek out an auspicious product and use it before everyone else with the hope that everyone else would adopt it. By the time everyone else adopts it, the early adopters are better off because they have more experience with the product. Unlike investors, they may not invest money. They invest with their time.
There are many benefits of being an early adopter in technology. The first one is that you get to understand the way things work. The early adopter has time to experiment and build knowledge through experiments and experience. Knowledge is important. When you are standing in front of everyone else you see things more clearly. It is expedient for the early adopter to use the acquired knowledge to prosper. In every technology, there is the product and there is the business.
Sometimes the business is even more important than the product. As an early adopter, you have the first mover advantage. If you are smart, you can make use of it before the big kahunas arrive. The big kahunas do not usually have the time to be early adopters. This is because they cannot afford to risk their business or reputation for testing. If you are the small guy, you can test. The early adopter is the first to recognize an opportunity. As an early adopter, when you see opportunity, grab it and run with it.
Another advantage of being an early adopter is that there is less competition in the early days of any product. If you have the less competitive advantage, do not seek out lofty opportunities. Try to build yourself with smaller opportunities. By doing so, you are building experience and reputation for the bigger opportunities.
There are some disadvantages of being an early adopter. One of them is that most startups don’t succeed. It is possible to spend so much time developing a business around a new product only to discover that the product cannot penetrate the market. During the early stages of any technological product, there is also a bit of disorganization and non-functionality. As an early adopter, you have to be able to cope with a lot of bugs.
My advice to early adopters is that whatever you are doing should bring value to you. That value should include money but it should not just be money. There is more value is relationships and networks and skills and knowledge than in money. As an early adopter if you have faith and patience, and if you are lucky to be involved in a good project, it would be very rewarding.
This post is dedicated to all EOS early adopters out there who are weathering the bear market storm.